Former legislator takes aim at California’s trajectory

150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

The first ever California Economic Summit brought together champions from the state’s 14 diverse regions, including a handful of state and local policy makers. 

One familiar face in the audience was former Assemblyman and Senator John Vasconcellos of the Silicon Valley. He spent 38 years as an elected leader, in fact, he is the second-longest elected legislator in California history. 

His love of public education and his work on the state budget did a lot to improve our quality of life. California Forward sat down with him and asked him to reflect on the Summit and our government.

Vasconcellos says he created a strategic economic plan 20 years ago which created some results. Now, he talks openly about what the state is doing wrong and what it needs to do to be successful again.


Cheryl Getuiza

All stories by: Cheryl Getuiza