Dear Gov responses

150 150 Vance Hickin

On Tuesday, California Forward announced the launch of its important campaign to engage with people across the state, encouraging them to share their thoughts about budget reform. We want the voices of average Californians to be heard by elected officials and those seeking office – especially the gubernatorial candidates – in the upcoming election.

We have already heard from more than 150 people. Here are some thoughtful and insightful quotes from Californians just like you.

“Farmers know there will be good crops and not-so-good crops. When they have a good year, they don’t go on a spending spree. They pay down debt or save the extra income to get them through the not-so-good years. The state (and the federal government, for that matter) should do likewise.”

-Jim Carlisle of Meadow Vista, California


“Please let’s not debate over sound bites and wedge issues. The state is sinking in debt and partisanship. It needs sound fiscal management more than anything else! Tax and spend is no better than borrow and spend. We need compromise and responsibility. Please be honest and show leadership to solve our real problems.”

-Rich Mallory of Orangevale, California


“Your effectiveness will depend on how well you capitalize on the emerging green economy to bring investment in clean energy and job creation. This will allow California to continue to be a leader in environmental policy, while stimulating our economy and putting our people back to work.”

-Chris Sentieri of Moss Landing, California

Please share your thoughts with us! To add your voice to the debate over budget reform visit or call (559) 272-0969.

Vance Hickin is the interactive manager at California Forward. 


Vance Hickin

All stories by: Vance Hickin