Regional Economies

Op-ed: Preparing workers in California at the speed of business
580 190 Steve Westly and Jack Scott

California — of all states – should be leading the nation on delivering on preparing a workforce for the 21st century.

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Summit pushes Legislature to advance workforce training ideas in this year’s budget
150 150 Justin Ewers

Ensuring recommendations of a task force on workforce are adopted in this year’s state budget is a top priority for the California Economic Summit in 2016.

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Environmental symposium to tackle California land use, water and CEQA
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Planning and Conservation League meeting looks to stimulate conversation about three challenges vital to California.

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VIDEO: Local control of Ontario Airport could mean more Inland Empire jobs
150 150 Ed Coghlan

As final agreement handing control of the airport to a local authority is wrapped up, we asked a local Assemblymember what the transfer means for jobs.

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Governor doubles down on improving workforce pipeline in proposed budget
150 150 Justin Ewers

A California Economic Summit approach to boosting workforce training in the state would get a shot in the arm via Jerry Brown’s budget.

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VIDEO: What leaders are saying about the California Economic Summit
150 150 John Guenther

At CA Fwd’s Economic Summit, leaders from around the state told us what they thought of the Summit process and its priorities for the coming year.

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Paul Granillo: California Comes to the Inland Empire
150 150 Paul Granillo

The Inland Empire had a chance to show the region’s promise and challenges at CA Fwd’s California Economic Summit–and it took full advantage of it.

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