Thriving Economies

Central Valley Manufacturing Summit expecting record turnout
580 200 Ed Coghlan

Event seeks to grow the region’s environment for advanced manufacturing and mid-income jobs that come with it

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Manufacturers open doors for MFG Day to change perception of jobs
580 200 John Guenther

Faced with skills gap and less-positive public perception, campaign seeks to showcase modern manufacturing as desirable career

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Commentary: Invest in training to revitalize California manufacturing
580 200 Sean Randolph

The next generation of manufacturing could use 3-D printing and other new technology, but building those industries will take investment in training.

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Mixed messages at economic outlook events
150 150 Michele Nash-Hoff

To maintain its level of prosperity in the future, it is critical that San Diego maintain a strong manufacturing base.

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Makerspaces, or “Kinkos for geeks,” making jobs in California
150 150 Bill Britt

Entrepreneurs can take advantage of these manufacturing spaces for small businesses and which advocates call “critical pieces of a jobs, innovation, and education infrastructure.”

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