Lifelong Learning

Task Force: Future of California economy depends on funding middle-skill job education
150 150 John Guenther

California group looking at closing skills gap tackles the puzzle of boosting funding for career technical education and how to get community colleges to align the courses so students and industry don’t get the runaround.

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California’s workforce fuels nation-leading creative economy
150 150 Tracy Hudak

Reports recommend increased funding and creative industry career pathways created by workforce development, higher education and private sectors.

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California community college combats Latino higher education gap
150 150 Nadine Ono

Santa Rosa Junior College programs create clearer pathways into post-secondary programs for local high school students.

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Central Valley focuses on retaining and growing manufacturing jobs
150 150 Jim Mayer

Manufacturers gathered with the public sector to partner up on cultivating a strong workforce and more alignment to keep manufacturing in California

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Report: California millennials fall behind in job market
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Higher unemployment and lower wages affecting opportunity for young Californians to become part of 21st century workforce.

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