Lifelong Learning

UPS executive writes prescription for California’s workforce gap
580 200 Ed Coghlan

California needs to produce more middle-skill workers says Noel Massie who worked his way up from part-time truck loader to operations manager for U.S.

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California’s unemployment drops to 5.3% for April
580 200 John Guenther

Jobs numbers stay bright for California but closing housing and workforce gaps would help keep things humming along.

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Leaders across California call for confronting workforce skills gap
580 200 Ed Coghlan

Business groups say skills mismatch leaves young workers left out and employers short of skilled employees.

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The seven most important changes community colleges can make to close California’s skills gap
150 150 Van Ton-Quinlivan

The skills gap is the biggest hurdle to economic prosperity for unemployed individuals, but there are some specific changes two-year colleges could make to help minimize the gap and improve completion and employment rates.

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