Leadership Council

Lenny Mendonca: Hiram Johnson Would Like This California Era of Reform
150 150 Lenny Mendonca

Despite shortcomings, the state’s citizen ballot initiative process has brought important reforms to California via direct democracy.

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Part 1: Revenues may be rolling in but state budget must heed lessons of past
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Pete Weber

Boom, Bust, Repeat? – New series from CA Fwd explores how the state can smartly manage recent revenue gains to strengthen public programs for the long term.

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Open data bill would require cities to create data inventories
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Local governments would need to catalog their data management systems and make the information publicly available under bill by State Senator Bob Hertzberg.

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Reform success shows California governable and no longer broken
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Thomas McKernan

The effects of elections and budget reform can’t be ignored but there’s also more work to be done to improve government and the economy here.

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Governor could improve voters’ trust in government
150 150 David Davenport & Lenny Mendonca

Gov. Jerry Brown says he has 600 bills on his desk, but many he will not sign because “there’s not 600 problems that we need those solutions for.” We suggest he locate and sign two bills, SB14 and SB15, that help solve two of his biggest problems: the annual budget mess and the lack of public trust in Sacramento’s leadership, which voters say are closely linked.

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