
EVENT: How to build a Maker ecosystem in your region
580 200 John Guenther

Cultivating a creative and innovative workforce will be focus of upcoming Santa Rosa tour

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Makerspaces, or “Kinkos for geeks,” making jobs in California
150 150 Bill Britt

Entrepreneurs can take advantage of these manufacturing spaces for small businesses and which advocates call “critical pieces of a jobs, innovation, and education infrastructure.”

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VIDEO: Impact summit harnessed California’s innovation economy to tackle big challenges
150 150 John Guenther

Wrap-up of gathering that brought together problem solvers in the public, private and nonprofit sectors to take on the state’s most intractable social and environmental problems.

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Impact Economy Summit set for Monday in San Francisco
150 150 Ed Coghlan

National gathering will focus on using “for-benefit” sector to tackle major issues like building badly needed infrastructure and workforce development.

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Innovation awards honor California strategy for sustainable rural growth
150 150 John Guenther

Harvard school acknowledges Sacramento regional program that uses better data modeling of natural assets which can promote both economic growth and conservation.

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L.A.’s newest attraction: A space for biotech startups to launch and grow
150 150 Bill Britt

LabLaunch fills regional need for biotech entrepreneurs by providing space and services to start businesses and grow the sector in Los Angeles.

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