Government Performance & Accountability

Jodi Remke: Technology and Transparency go hand in hand
150 150 Jodi Remke

Head of California’s Fair Political Practices Commission talks about the need for state to modernize campaign finance disclosure.

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CA Fwd and Assembly mark Sunshine Week celebration of open data
150 150 Ed Coghlan

State Assembly passes Sunshine Week resolution and CA Fwd will host open data gathering in Sacramento this week

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VIDEO: How tech startups can improve government-citizen relationship
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

One thriving startup founder talks about how civic data can be an economic opportunity and a way to get citizens more engaged with government

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VIDEO: How to get startup thinking into government
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Open Data advocates know government can’t always run like a business but could learn how to be more agile when solving problems.

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Data Summit: Should local governments embrace open data?
150 150 Christopher Nelson

That was one of many topics asked and answered this week in Long Beach at the latest California Forward and Code for America co-sponsored Regional Data Forums.

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