Fiscal Reform

Part 4: Spend growing revenues on reducing growing cost drivers
150 150 Fred Silva

As increased revenues roll in, budgetmakers must keep in mind long-term pension and health care obligations that will continue to take up more and more precious resources for years to come.

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Part 3: Budget rules will drive where much of the extra money goes–but not how it will be spent
150 150 Fred Silva

Even if most of this year’s revenue windfall does go to California schools and the rainy day fund, the conversation should not be over. Part 3 in our “Boom, Bust, Repeat?” series.

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Part 2: This is a boom, and it should be treated as a boom
150 150 Fred Silva

…some of which will go bust. Next story in series covers some California history that shows why the state needs to smartly prepare the budget for the next recession.

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Part 1: Revenues may be rolling in but state budget must heed lessons of past
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Pete Weber

Boom, Bust, Repeat? – New series from CA Fwd explores how the state can smartly manage recent revenue gains to strengthen public programs for the long term.

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Wait… What? Agency advising Governor on payments to counties proposes moving to VBM to save money
150 150 Doug Chapin

The State of California, like some other states, has an “unfunded mandate” law that requires the state to make money available for new legislation that imposes costs on counties. In practice, those mandates can be “suspended” for budgetary reasons, leaving localities holding the bag on costs.

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California Should Stabilize Taxes, Soften Reliance on Volatile Sources, Group Says
150 150 Laura Mahoney

BNA story: California Forward set forward recommendations in the first in a series of reports regarding revenue that will be released during the next few months to explore the state’s choices.

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A Golden Opportunity for education in the Golden State
150 150 Susan Lovenburg

Today, CA Fwd releases a document prepared in partnership with internationally acclaimed education reform practitioner Michael Fullan that suggests considerations for the recently created California Collaborative for Educational Excellence

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