Fiscal Reform

CA Fwd report: The coming revenue debate must look beyond politics
150 150 Justin Ewers

With more than a dozen major tax proposals moving ahead, the new report from CA Fwd explores the biggest ideas and their policy implications, while outlining a set of criteria voters can use to weigh the merits of each.

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Work continues after California budget and election reform victories
150 150 Ed Coghlan

California earned a rating bump because of its latest budget, while citizen-led reforms won major victory in U.S. Supreme Court.

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CA Fwd offers policy framework for special legislative session on road funding
150 150 Justin Ewers

Legislature working on addressing a $59 billion-backlog in state road and highways maintenance, but so far, proposed fixes have been temporary solutions to a long-term infrastructure investment issue.

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Governor’s budget is good news not because it’s bigger–but because it’s better
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Pete Weber

Spending plan takes a forward-looking approach to spending surging revenues, smartly making one-time investments for the long term rather than making all-around increases that will have to be cut next recession.

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Lenny Mendonca and Doug Henton: California must invest now in education and infrastructure
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Doug Henton

California has an opportunity to build for long-term prosperity with smart investments in schools, workforce development and infrastructure.

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Part 5: Spend unexpected revenues in ways that will make money in lean times
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Pete Weber

Four ways California can provide itself some cover for the next economic downturn and not repeat the budgetary mistakes of the past

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