Fiscal Reform

George Runner: The real revenue challenge facing California
150 150 George Runner

Op-Ed: The conversation about tax reform should be about how government can provide taxpayers with better value for the money they already send to Sacramento.

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California auditor issues report on “improper activities” revealed by whistleblowers
150 150 Ed Coghlan

State auditor details investigations into failure to seek competitive bids, failure to increase rental rates, waste of state funds, an improper gift of public funds, and neglect of supervisory duties.

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A Time for Bipartisan Deals
150 150 Jim Mayer

State Senator Steve Glazer, elected over a fellow Democrat via the top-two primary, pointed the way to bipartisan compromise through six new political rules he says will result in a stronger democracy.

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Early signs of a deal emerge in special session on road maintenance
150 150 Justin Ewers

Infrastructure bills emerging in the California Legislature could offer the first glimmerings of a potential road funding deal that includes new money, new protections to ensure road funds are spent on roads, and new accountability measures.

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California’s fiscal crisis isn’t over–and this year’s tax proposals won’t solve it
150 150 Darien Shanske

The current major tax proposals, like extending Prop 30, would either leave our tax system volatile or simultaneously make our tax system both more and less efficient and equitable.

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