Fiscal Reform

State lawmakers tout CA Fwd ideas in discussions on how to solve the budget crisis
150 150 Justin Ewers

For California’s budget, it has been a week of the worst of times and then even worse. With California once again confronting a massive budget shortfall estimated at more than $25 billion …

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Governor-elect Brown begins long and winding road to fix state budget
150 150 Fred Silva

Word from the state Legislative Analyst on Wednesday is that the budget is scarier than we thought. But Governor-elect Jerry Brown is determined to tame the budget beast.

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Schwarzenegger’s last-gasp budget revives previous ideas
150 150 Kevin Yamamura

In his final budget performance Monday, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger resurrected ideas that fell on the cutting-room floor earlier this year.

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A big job for newly elected leaders
150 150 David Nott

Nationally, as was foreshadowed by the special election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts, independents gave the Republicans gains in Congress.

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The reform agenda – red pills, blue agendas, and the neo-Johnsons
150 150 Edward Headington

You do not have to have read George Orwell to know that one of the most abused words in the English language is “reform.” It is almost as bad as our penchant for reviving old labels with the word “neo.”

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Speaking truth to power
150 150 Fred Silva

Once again, Legislative Analyst Mac Taylor is playing the role of Toto in the Wizard of Oz. He pulled the curtain back and revealed for citizens of the state that little secret about the state budget that the great Wizards (Governor and Legislature) would not admit.

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The bottom line – budgetarily speaking – on 3 propositions (that are now the law of the land)
150 150 Fred Silva

Now that the slate mailers are in the recycling bin, how did this election affect the State’s precarious fiscal condition? Is the 2010-11 state budget still in balance? Is the problem bigger or smaller than it was on Monday, Nov. 1?

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