Fiscal Reform

Business groups call for workout plan to restart budget negotiations
150 150 John Guenther

Business organizations from across the state sent an open letter Wednesday to the Governor and legislature, urging them to adopt a five-point financial workout plan that is consistent with the principles put forth by CA Fwd.

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CA’s reform movement underway, even if some don’t know it
150 150 Ed Coghlan

‘I read the cover story in The Economist this week about what the reporter (Andreas Kluth) believes is a dysfunctional government in California. He essentially argues that there’s too much democracy, that the initiative process has created unwieldy ballot box budgeting and that has paralyzed the state. I thought it was very simplistic.

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Improving governance through restructuring
150 150 California Special District

California Special District recently interviewed CA Fwd Executive Director Jim Mayer about how CA Fwd believes governance in California should be restructured, what smart government requires, and how Governor Jerry Brown’s budget proposal could help work toward all of this.

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Water water everywhere? Not exactly
150 150 David Hill

Governor Brown had it about right during his inaugural speech when he said that California always focuses on the same recurring issues: education, crime, budgets and water.

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Jerry Brown faces tricky budget options
150 150 John Guenther

Today in the Sacramento Bee, political reporter Kevin Yamamura wrote an excellent summation of what California is facing in terms of moving forward on the state budget…

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Two key state budget initiatives pass out of committee
150 150 John Guenther

California Forward would like to thank the Senate Governance and Finance Committee for showing much needed leadership and passing Senate Bills 14 and 15: Performance-based and multi-year budgeting initiatives to help get the state’s finances back on track.

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Field Poll: Voters willing to approve June election, tax and fee extensions
150 150 California Forward

Californians say they want a special election to decide for themselves on Governor Brown’s plans to help bring the state’s budget into balance, and they are inclined to support tax extensions…

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Californians want real solutions
150 150 Fred Keeley and Bruce McPherson

After four consecutive years of budget deficits, Californians are wise to the accounting gimmicks and short-term fillers that keep California lurching from budget year to budget year without the kind of stable system in place that protects the programs they need and want.

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