Budget Reform

Californians want trustworthy solutions
150 150 Bob Hertzberg & Tom McKernan

California once again is struggling with how to cure a large budget deficit. The borrowing and the accounting gimmicks used in previous years are no longer an option…

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Budget reform that brings accountability and openness to state government
150 150 Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher

As California confronts another year of wrenching financial challenges, it is time for state legislators to make good on their pledge to make bold changes to the way our state operates…

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Petition: Stand Up for Common-Sense Budget Solutions in California
150 150 California Forward

We’re working with change.org in an effort to build more interest and supporters through petitions and other activities. Our call for common sense budget solutions did so well over the last few days, we surpassed our goal …

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State Senate Budget Committee votes on cuts
150 150 California Forward

Facing the harsh economic realities created by our state budget crisis, legislators yesterday took their first steps to balance the budget focusing on health care…

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How would you balance the state budget?
150 150 California Forward

Yesterday, Next 10 released an updated California Budget Challenge to balance the $90 billion state budget. Next 10, a nonpartisan organization that encourages all Californians to look beyond…

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Brown Calls for Bipartisan Budget Solutions
150 150 California Forward

In his eighth state of the state address and first since returning to the office of governor, Jerry Brown forcefully advocated for the budget reforms, spending cuts, and tax extensions he introduced just after taking office.

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Why restructuring government is the only way to fix California
150 150 John Guenther

A week after Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget proposal was released, details of his spending and revenue plans have begun to come into focus—along with the first wave of showdowns with those his cuts will most impact (with much of the early attention going to redevelopment agencies and enterprise zone developers).

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