Ecosystems & Climate Resiliency

Robust economy and climate goals can go hand in hand
1024 576 Jennifer Haley and Micah Weinberg

To put California on a path to a carbon neutral economy, Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing a $750 million Community Economic Resilience Fund

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Championing a Multi-Pronged Approach to Improve Air Quality
1024 576 Nadine Ono

Riverside County leader educates public on the work toward cleaner air in disadvantaged communities

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Changing Careers and Elevating Opportunities
1024 576 Amber Bolden

Inland Empire land conservation leader shares how her previous social services work guides her efforts to help underserved students learn about careers in environmental sustainability

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The Catastrophic Cost of Not Investing in California’s Forests
1024 576 Nadine Ono

How a State action plan for forest and wildfire management aligns with CA FWD call to action

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PolicyWise Podcast Episode 4: The Environment and Sustainability
800 350 Nadine Ono

Hosts Demi and Michael welcome a climate activist and an energy policy adviser to the show to talk about environmental justice and California energy policy.

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