
Inland Empire to host 2015 California Economic Summit
150 150 California Economic Summit

Economic Summit, co-hosted by CA Fwd, will be held in Ontario on November 12-13, 2015.

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New data shows strong support Proposition 1, gains for Proposition 2
150 150 John Guenther

It’s less than two weeks from the election and neither the drought, the support for the state water bond seem, or interest in beefing up the state’s budget reserve seem to be waning much.

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California farmers unite to adapt to climate change
150 150 Michelle Bergmann

Farmer-led group is collaborating to seek out innovations worldwide to tackle the potential impact of climate change on agriculture in California and nationwide.

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Reader Poll: Millennials optimistic about future but down on present economy
150 150 John Guenther

The biggest, most diverse generation has witnessed the boom and bust of recent years. Not surprisingly, they’re worried about their economic future. An economic summit in Los Angeles this week looked to start a conversation on making a difference in that outlook.

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Don’t call “government innovation” in California an oxymoron
150 150 Jim Mayer

On Tuesday in the Capitol, the Committee on the Awards for Innovations in Higher Education outlined its plans for allocating $50 million to community colleges and universities

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STEAM-powered carnival seeks to create tomorrow’s engineers
150 150 Michelle Bergmann

A new kind of show is coming to town. But instead of being wowed by lion tamers and cycling clowns, a group of mad scientists entertain the future of technology.

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