
Video: Amazon bringing jobs to Patterson, CA
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

The city of Patterson, 27 miles southeast of Tracy, is a prime example of what happens when elected leaders are collaborative

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Tale of two cities shows state of California recovery
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Sacramento and San Diego make up examples of the mixed bag of California economy

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Allensworth a prime example of California water and poverty issues
150 150 Niki Woodard

Plagued by an abundance of problems more characteristic of third world countries, Allensworth, population 471, highlights how local governments can right all of the wrongs

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Those who rushed to save CA state parks not happy about found money
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

As the state uncovers hundreds of millions in its proverbial couch cushions, those who scrambled to raise money to save state parks are not happy

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Suddenly everyone is talking about manufacturing
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Jobs are going unfulfilled at an alarming rate. Can we train our citizens fast enough in technical fields so that they can be filled?

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Santa Clara County pulls out of 49ers stadium funding game
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

County officials decide spending stadium money on schools is a better deal. An expert explains why they made the right game-time decision.

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