
Amazon making good on boosting California economy
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

First there was the City of San Bernardino. Then there was Patterson. Now, you can add the Tracy to the list of places where internet retailer Amazon is calling home.

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The effect of California’s high youth unemployment on the economy
150 150 Ed Coghlan

A recent report indicates that the urgent problem of high youth unemployment exists because there is a disconnect among employers, educators and youth.

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What’s Possible: New Ideas for our Fiscal Path Forward
150 150 Fred Silva

Last week, John Myers moderated a frank discussion at Cal State Sacramento about what drastic measures are needed to get our state back on track. Here’s what was said.

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California economy hurt by out-of-work Millennials
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

California’s economic recovery is unquestionably hampered by the 850,000 people aged 16-24 who are neither in school nor working

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Redwood Coast injecting life into local economy
150 150 Justin Ewers

As recently as a decade ago, the sprawling redwood north of California, a region the size of Connecticut and New Jersey combined, had no broadband access, difficult transportation challenges across hundreds of miles of mountains, and a generation of workers who found themselves tempted to tell their children to move elsewhere to find good jobs.

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California gas prices: what happened and what’s next?
150 150 Christopher Nelson

With the Legislature out of session and the general election still a few weeks away, the airwaves have been dominated by talk of sky-high prices at the pump. We do a mini round-up so you have an idea as to what’s happening and where we go from here.

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Felix Baumgartner, Red Bull and the California economy
150 150 Christopher Nelson

As 8 million people watched Felix Baumgartner jump from 128,000 feet above sea level, it made us realize what this indicates about the state of education and innovation in California and America.

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California schools refining curriculae to meet local job demands
150 150 Ed Coghlan

What is becoming more apparent nationally and statewide is the skills gap that exists between available jobs and workers to fill them. And it’s the Community Colleges that are trying to leap into that breach and improve our workforce training in the country.

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