School Governance

Assembly and Senate bills look to chisel away at digital divide
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

SB740 and AB1299 tackle that digital divide head-on. The two bills each come at the issue from different angles; SB740, sponsored by Senator Padilla, deals with rural broadband infrastructure, while Assemblyman Steven Bradford’s AB1299 is about expanding digital literacy.

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No Child Left Behind waivers put standards back under local control
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Much as the districts’ appeal to the Department of Education was done jointly, the new system for the eight districts will also be executed in tandem.

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Governor’s budget agreement ushers in new era of school spending
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Cruz Reynoso

The budget deal will significantly simplify and rebalance how the state allocates money among school districts and charter schools serving 6 million students

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UC system accepting more out-of-state students at the expense of CA residents
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Famously wracked by budget cuts, the UC system has reached a new low in the number of actual Californians it’s admitting. At the same time, out-of-state applicants have had their acceptance levels swell by 21 percent over last year for the coming fall semester.

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Long Beach College Promise prime example of local government cooperation
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Long Beach is known for its port, its aquarium, and the permanently docked Queen Mary. But one more thing should be added to that list: it’s a classic example of local governments – in this case schools – working together.

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Statewide survey says Californians support Gov. Brown education proposal
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

A statewide survey shows a very healthy majority of Californians support the governor’s proposal to both increase funding to districts with low income students learning English as well as giving school districts more autonomy in choosing how to spend state funds

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