California Economic Summit

Registration opens for 2017 California Economic Summit
610 200 California Forward

Co-organized by CA Fwd, sixth annual statewide gathering will tackle state’s biggest issues of upward mobility, economic security and regional prosperity.

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California’s big challenges need bipartisan solutions, say Republican mayor & Democratic union leader
580 200 Dave Regan and Ashley Swearengin

Opinion: Middle way that grows middle-class jobs, tackles housing could inspire change across country

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San Diego to host 2017 California Economic Summit
610 200 Ed Coghlan

Sixth annual event tackling housing, workforce, water problems hindering upward mobility

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Roadmap to accelerate middle-income job growth needed for California
610 200 James Gollub

State’s economy will depend on creating more jobs for Californians in the middle class, in poverty, and economically fragile.

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