California Economic Summit

Rim Fire tour provides striking view of California’s wildfire challenges
610 200 Deb Kollars

Coming face to face with fire devastation and current conditions of the state’s forest were a stark reminder of the need for collaboration

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The Fight to End Poverty in California Knows No Season
610 200 Josh Fryday

Low-income Californians fail to claim $2 billion via Earned Income Tax Credits that could otherwise help them afford life’s basic needs

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Empower Local Communities to Close the Digital Divide
610 200 Greg Norton

Priority should be placed on equitable broadband access, not the next big thing for the fortunate few

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CA Fwd’s Mayer to become Senior Fellow; Weinberg to be CEO
610 200 John Guenther

Bay Area Council Economic Institute President Micah Weinberg To Succeed Jim Mayer as CEO

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A model for achieving housing goals takes shape in Sonoma County
610 200 Nadine Ono

Santa Rosa, the County and employers advance plans for recovering homes lost in fires, dealing with larger housing crisis

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