Prescribed burn (Photo: U.S. Forest Service)
The California Forward Action Fund has joined a coalition of statewide organizations calling on Governor Gavin Newsom and California’s legislative leaders to increase allocations for wildfire-related efforts that enhance community resilience and landscape management.
“With fire season upon us, we must ensure we’re taking care of our most vulnerable rural, tribal and environmental justice communities,” said California Forward Action Fund Director Micah Weinberg. “We are proud to join a broad coalition that is lifting up immediate and equally important long-term solutions that are complementary to our longstanding work to protect our communities from the impacts of California’s wildfires.”
The coalition, which includes tribal, environmental justice, local government, public health, and environmental and economic sustainability organizations throughout California, made the following recommendations:
- Support programs identified in the Administration’s May Revised proposal.
- Provide additional targeted funding opportunities for initiatives to support California’s tribes and environmental justice communities and help restore resilience to landscapes for the benefit of all Californians.
- Clarify the roles of emerging state programs and spread program implementation across departments to improve funding efficiency and effectiveness.
The letter’s authors acknowledge the good work state leaders have accomplished to support wildfire mitigation and response through budget bills AB 129 and AB 161, but urged state leaders to do more to “prioritize the needs of traditional land stewardship, communities impacted by smoke and heat, and conservation actions that reduce fire risk.”
You can read a copy of the letter here.
The California Forward Action Fund strives to improve the quality of life for all Californians by advocating for policies that create inclusive, sustainable growth and improved government at the state and local levels. The Action Fund is the advocacy arm of California Forward (CA FWD).