VIDEO: California’s economic initiative Regions Rise Together lifts off in San Bernardino
610 200 John Guenther

Leaders from the Inland Empire talk about the local assets and challenges and what the State can do to boost the region’s economy

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Regions Rise Together series kicks off in the Inland Empire
610 200 Nadine Ono

Joint strategy sessions led by GO-Biz and CA Fwd are highlighting regional assets and ideas to boost equitable growth

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Making California Opportunity Zone ready will boost critical housing and clean energy projects
610 200 Jennifer Lovett

Updating California’s tax code to conform with the federal program will allow the state to compete nationally for investment

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New CAFwd Leadership Council Members expand the CA Dream Team
610 200 Ed Coghlan

As the 2019 California Economic Summit nears, influential leaders from across the state welcomed onboard

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2019 California Economic Summit Registration Opens
580 200 CA Economic Summit

Governor Newsom among the growing list of California leaders slated to speak in Fresno at eighth annual event

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