Op-ed: Require the budget to be for two years
150 150 Bob Hertzberg & Mike Genest

In an opinion piece published today by The Sacramento Bee, Democrat Bob Hertzberg and Republican Mike Genest urge the Legislature to pass comprehensive budget reform modeled after the California Forward 2010 Reform Principles.

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News < Re: Week of August 16
150 150 Ash Roughani

They’re back. We’re referring to state worker furloughs, of course.

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News < Re: Week of August 9
150 150 Ash Roughani

$2,190,870,000.00 That’s the amount in unpaid bills the state will accrue if it does not enact a budget by the end of this month, according to State Controller John Chiang.

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News > Fwd: Week of August 9
150 150 Armando Botello II

With reform-watchers having this Friday the 13th circled on their calendars, all eyes will be on budget talks in the Legislature.

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News > Fwd: Week of August 16
150 150 Armando Botello II

Over a month and a half past the constitutional deadline to enact a budget, only $4 billion is separating Republicans and Democrats in their negotiations. Only.

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Op-ed: The clock is ticking on reform – but it’s not too late
150 150 Bob Hertzberg & Tom McKernan

In an opinion article published today by Capitol Weekly, Leadership Council Co-Chairs Bob Hertzberg and Tom McKernan urge state leaders to coalesce around comprehensive fiscal reform proposals crafted by California Forward.

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