Counties group support Gov. Brown’s realignment plan
150 150 California Forward

The California State Association of Counties released a letter this afternoon expressing support for Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan to move state services to the counties…

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Action Fund, civic leadership organizations urge long-term fiscal reform
150 150 California Forward

The California Forward Action Fund joined 18 other civic leadership organizations around the state in urging Governor Brown to enact long-term fiscal reform as part of any budget solution addressing the immediate fiscal crisis.

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Californians want trustworthy solutions
150 150 Bob Hertzberg & Tom McKernan

California once again is struggling with how to cure a large budget deficit. The borrowing and the accounting gimmicks used in previous years are no longer an option…

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Budget reform that brings accountability and openness to state government
150 150 Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher

As California confronts another year of wrenching financial challenges, it is time for state legislators to make good on their pledge to make bold changes to the way our state operates…

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California’s Future center stage at UCLA Plato Society event
150 150 California Forward

The state of our state and how to find a better future for the tens of millions of people who call California home was the subject of a special meeting in Los Angeles over the weekend…

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To recover, California must develop and follow economic plan
150 150 Carl Guardino

California Forward has laid out a Path Forward for California, and we are joined by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG)…

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