Transparency the rule in redistricting process that puts voters first
150 150 Zabrae Valentine

California’s historic citizen redistricting process, which began with voter approval of Proposition 11 in 2008, is nearing its conclusion, after months of public interaction, extensive research, comprehensive study, and citizen input. Now, for the first time in the history of our state, we will have maps drawn in an open and transparent manner, with full input of Californians and without the gerrymandering that has led our state to the pinnacle of special interest influence and extreme partisanship.

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Public involvement key to government transparency & accountability, says Raya
150 150 John Guenther

CA Fwd Policy Director Richard Raya has been profiled by InnovatingSMART, an organization working to share stories of people and organizations doing innovative work to create systems that improve lives.

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Forward Thinker Jon Nachison creates community to support veterans
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

California Forward has named Jon Nachison a Forward Thinker for his work to support and better the lives of U.S. veterans who have trouble finding stable footing when they return from the war zone.

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CA voters favor early release of nonviolent offenders and part-time legislature
150 150 Gina Baleria

A new poll finds that most California voters would rather see some prisoners receive shorter sentences than raise taxes or cut education to pay prison-related costs.

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CA Fwd Policy Consultant John Maltbie testifies on performance-based budgeting
150 150 John Maltbie

John Maltbie appeared before a California Assembly budget subcommittee last week to discuss the merits of performance-based budgeting, including measuring whether programs are working and signaling when adjustments need to be made.

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CA redevelopment agencies sue to block budget plan
150 150 John Guenther

Another piece of California’s budgetary house of cards is wavering as redevelopment agencies file suit to prevent states from forcing them to give up a portion of their funds to other local government priorities, including schools.

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Capitol conference highlights reforms to improve voter turnout
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

The Pew Center on the States is focusing on California’s dismal voter turnout rate and hopes two Senate bills will help bring more Californians to the ballot box – actual or virtual.

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