Forward Thinker Heidi Sieck works to ensure everyone has an opportunity to serve their community
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

California Forward has named Heidi Sieck a Forward Thinker for her work to make the process of filling board and commission seats more transparent and her efforts to encourage more women to run for elected office.

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Viewpoints: For government and the people, the time is now
150 150 Loren Kaye

Two cheers to the Legislature and Governor for agreeing on an on-time budget that moved the state’s fiscal crisis off center stage for at least six months. So what are the logical next steps for structural budget or governance reform that can achieve a more responsive, transparent and effective state government? In short – none. That’s right – the time for major structural reform has passed. The time for rolling-up-the-sleeves and delivering-for-the-people is now.

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Removing the blindfold: Why California needs transparency
150 150 Nate Levine

A recent dispute between Assembly members John Perez and Anthony Portantino highlights a problem that sits at the foundation of California’s broken government: a disturbing lack of transparency and accountability.

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Viewpoints: Redistricting Commission was still the right thing
150 150 Matt Rexroad

When I was a kid I played Babe Ruth baseball at Clark Field in Woodland, I once had a situation that reminds me of the Citizen’s Redistricting Commission.

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New CA district maps released after grueling but transparent process
150 150 Malka Kopell & Gina Baleria

Today the California Citizens Redistricting Commission made history by releasing its final draft maps for the state’s Assembly, Senate, Board of Equalization and Congressional districts. The new maps come after months of commentary, research, and public hearings all over the state.

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Forward Thinker Yolie Flores steps outside the box to improve LA schools
150 150 Tom Salyers

California Forward has named Yolie Flores a Forward Thinker for her work to reform the dysfunctional LA school system by stepping outside of it to find solutions.

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Redistricting Commission struggles to represent diverse populations
150 150 John Guenther

As the California Citizens Redistricting Commission works to redraw the state’s political maps, it has grappled with changing demographics and how those changes impact the state’s diverse populations.

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Transparency the rule in redistricting process that puts voters first
150 150 Zabrae Valentine

California’s historic citizen redistricting process, which began with voter approval of Proposition 11 in 2008, is nearing its conclusion, after months of public interaction, extensive research, comprehensive study, and citizen input. Now, for the first time in the history of our state, we will have maps drawn in an open and transparent manner, with full input of Californians and without the gerrymandering that has led our state to the pinnacle of special interest influence and extreme partisanship.

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