Pension Modernization – Man Up!
150 150 Sandi Sternberg

Governor Jerry Brown has introduced his proposal to modernize the state-employee pension system. I say “modernize” because in principle that’s what we’re talking about here. Anyone who’s held a job in private industry as far back as the mid- 1970s has seen the system evolve from the pension Dad collected back in the day (along with his 25- year commemorative watch) to today’s system complete with 401Ks and their diminishing contributions by employers.

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Democracy reforms the subject of latest CA Fwd Radio Show
150 150 Gina Baleria

So-called democracy reforms are seen as a way to re-engage voters, ensure that the voice of the people is heard, and bring people into the fold who may have traditionally been disenfranchised from the process.

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Critical initiative focuses government on results
150 150 Zabrae Valentine

California once again finds itself in the vortex of a leadership vacuum. Public trust and confidence in government are at record lows – as is our performance in critical areas that matter most to Californians: education, job creation, and public safety. To fix our state, we must revamp how budgets and policy decisions are made and implemented and how leaders are kept accountable.

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Veteran legislators offer advice, wisdom to candidates
150 150 Susan Lovenburg

“Start with the homework, finish with the vision, and then have the guts to go for it,” Bob Hertzberg told candidates for state office at a forum hosted on Thursday by the Leadership California Institute at the Citizen’s Hotel in Sacramento. “Your job is to make California better.”

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CA Supreme Court unanimously rejects redistricting challenges
150 150 Gina Baleria

California’s new electoral maps just cleared a major hurdle, thanks to a unanimous ruling today by the California Supreme Court to deny two challenges to the maps, which were created through the citizen-driven redistricting process.

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