Magic Johnson celebrates scholar-athletes, supports reforms for education
150 150 Wornel Simpson

Basketball legend and businessman Magic Johnson thrilled a group of young scholar-athletes at the CA Hall of Fame event in Sacramento earlier this month – fist bumping and congratulating the kids from Scholar Athletes Globally Emerging, Inc. – Team SAGE – for their efforts on the court and in the classroom. Team SAGE has challenged California to support students by making better budget choices and supporting reform to fix state government.

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Momentum builds in CA Latino community for accountability measure
150 150 Teresa Acosta

Latino local elected officials from throughout the state of California came together on Thursday to discuss the California Forward Action Fund’s Government Performance and Accountability Act (GPAA) and the best ways to reach out to the state’s Latino community.

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Noose tightens, but revenue alone won’t solve CA’s budget problems
150 150 John Guenther

For the first time in a long time, California voters seem poised to seriously consider one or more of the various measures aimed at raising revenue through increased fees and taxes. But even if the State succeeds in raising more money, have we really addressed the issue of what it takes to make local programs such as education, job-creation and public safety work? The answer is a resounding, “No.”

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CA Fwd’s GPAA breaks down barriers to strengthen public safety
150 150 Jim Bueermann

It has become plain that our state and local governments do not work as well as they should. We see this every day in the partisan bickering over the state budget, the inability of cities and counties to fund basic services or collaborate, and the deterioration of our education and public safety systems. It’s time to hold government accountable for the kind of outcomes California deserves, and California Forward’s Government Performance and Accountability Act (GPAA) will do just that.

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Duplicate land use plans illustrate need for transparent, accountable government
150 150 Richard Raya

You know the system is broken when the city and school district begin developing the same piece of land, but for different purposes. And, in Los Angeles, this is exactly what happened.

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Gov. Brown’s Executive Order: Necessary budgetary reform
150 150 California Forward

Last week, the Governor issued his long awaited Executive Order on “common-sense budgeting methods.” Although the Executive Order has minor language variations from those used in SB 14 (which the Governor vetoed), the Executive Order will accomplish the same purpose and will lay the foundation for a major change in California state budgeting.

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New blog profiles response to fiscal crisis from creative Californians
150 150 Pete Peterson & Ashley Trim

In an era described as the “New Normal” with tightening budgets at the state and local levels of government, the “waste, fraud, and abuse” line items have long been cut. But, innovative Californians are working together with fellow citizens and government to provide much-needed services in difficult financial times.

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