Inland Empire: Transportation hub of California’s economy
150 150 Gina Baleria

Ports may be first stop for goods, but Inland Empire is gateway to rest of country

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Summit Next Steps
150 150 California Economic Summit

Now that the Summit is over, what’s next for Summit Team?

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Video: Californians take action on Summit Day
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Watch what happens when CA regions collaborate

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The week ahead: Summits and such
150 150 Chris Nelson

As the first-ever California Economic Summit came to a close, Gov. Brown dropped a bomb on the state.

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Newsom’s take on Summit
150 150 California Economic Summit

Lt. Gov was in the house & talked regional economy at Summit

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The Summit so far: Incredible drive and energy
150 150 Chris Nelson

Halfway through, the mood couldn’t be better

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Thriving regions can be a catalyst for a Can-Do state
150 150 Julie Meier Wright

Summit tomorrow takes on five main challenges to make California economy vibrant

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