A surprising salary for one California city manager explained
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

It’s the holiday season, so in the spirit of giving, California State Controller John Chiang released some new data on workers compensation via his new website Government Compensation in California.

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Turning California farmers into farm owners
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

The Golden State continues to produce the largest number of agriculture exports in the nation, accounting for nearly 12 percent of the US total.

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Third time’s a charm for Amazon & California economy
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Online retailer setting up shop in third California city

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Amazon making good on boosting California economy
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

First there was the City of San Bernardino. Then there was Patterson. Now, you can add the Tracy to the list of places where internet retailer Amazon is calling home.

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New national survey shows strong support for radical simplification
150 150 Christopher Nelson

A new nationwide survey of U.S. voters released earlier this month resoundingly indicates that people want to streamline government, making it less complex and more efficient as a path toward reducing our deficit.

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Op-Ed: California is still ripe for reform
150 150 Thomas V. McKernan

California is entering a new era of reform, but still must resolve some of its key challenges — including figuring out how to make its bureaucracies more efficient, its services more effective and its decision-making more transparent.

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Latino Caucus riding wave of changing California demographics
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Hispanics turned out in record numbers on Election Day and made historic gains in Congress and state legislatures, yet they remain underrepresented in local government. A new group looks to change that.

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