We support economic growth using a regions-up approach, stewarding state resources, and building resilience in the face of a changing climate


Together we can build the California our communities and regions deserve.
One where each of us have an opportunity to prosper regardless of who we are or where we live.
And one where our children and future generations can thrive.


New Training Resources for CPUC Engagement on Broadband – and Beyond
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In partnership with two experienced digital equity groups, CA FWD recently presented online training sessions to help communities engage around broadband issues.

CA FWD’s Regions-Up Agenda
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CA FWD is building an agenda toward policy advocacy that supports regional economic action.

Join us in Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Regions-Up Economy
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Governor Newsom releases the California Jobs First Economic Blueprint, a statewide plan to drive sustainable economic growth, innovation, and access to good-paying jobs over the next decade.

Empowering The Next Generation: The Evolution of the Young Leaders Program
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The CA FWD Young Leaders Program (YLP), formerly the Young Leaders Advisory Council, is a two-year program that elevates the next generation of industry, policy, and non-profit leaders.