Blog & News

The bottom line – budgetarily speaking – on 3 propositions (that are now the law of the land)
150 150 Fred Silva

Now that the slate mailers are in the recycling bin, how did this election affect the State’s precarious fiscal condition? Is the 2010-11 state budget still in balance? Is the problem bigger or smaller than it was on Monday, Nov. 1?

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League of Women Voters of California hails voters’ confirmation of redistricting reform
150 150 League of Women Voters

On Nov. 2, California voters decisively rejected Proposition 27 and the attempt to destroy the far-reaching redistricting reform passed by the voters in 2008.

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Speaking Up for California at VICA conference
150 150 Gina Baleria

On Thursday, October 21, California Forward talked with attendees at the Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA) 2010 business conference in Woodland Hills, CA, as part of our Speak Up for California campaign.

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California voters vote no on Proposition 27
150 150 Keep Voters First

With nearly 100 percent of precincts reporting, California voters have once again chosen political reform by voting down Proposition 27 by nearly 60 percent.

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