Brown says California needs restructuring
150 150 California Forward

As he inherits California’s chronic budget problems, Gov. Jerry Brown says he wants to try a new approach to dealing with the state’s massive deficits: a broad restructuring of the relationship between the state and local governments…

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The Path Forward
150 150 California Forward

Californians want a path forward – one right step after another. We need to stop the bleeding and start the healing, make government work again, and support…

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Can a two-year budget help solve California’s financial woes?
150 150 Nina Martin

The direness of California’s budget crisis has one silver lining: efforts to reform state government are finally gaining traction with voters and lawmakers…

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Five changes Californians must approve for reforms
150 150 Peter E. Weber

As California begins another year with a huge budget deficit, let me make some predictions. Before the confetti from the New Year’s party hits the floor, the Legislature will slide into its time-honored gridlock…

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Silicon Valley to Jerry Brown: We need a game changer
150 150 Carl Guardino

“Game changers.” In Silicon Valley, we use this term for cutting-edge products and processes that leapfrog the competition…

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What can Brown do for California?
150 150 Armando Botello II

Next week, Jerry Brown will take the helm of the maligned entity known as the Golden State. Much of the state’s glimmer has been lost since the last time…

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News and views on Schwarzenegger’s legacy
150 150 Armando Botello II

Over the last few weeks, much has been written about our current Governor’s legacy and the recall election which swept him into office…

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Raising the bar and setting expectations for California higher education
150 150 Stephen Reed

Concern increases daily among soon-to-be high school graduates, their parents, the more than 670,000 current University of California and California State University students, and millions of Californians, as they watch…

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2011 Bay Area economy: Glimmers amid gloom
150 150 Jonathan Weber

As we wrap up 2010 and prepare to enter 2011, The Bay Citizen’s Jonathan Weber breaks down the good and the bad for the Bay Area (and California) economy.

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