Blog & News

Controller becomes deputy to new sheriff in town
150 150 Fred Silva

When California Controller John Chiang decided on Tuesday that legislators would not be paid, he based that decision on the fact that the budget they passed last week was not in balance as outlined by voter-approved Proposition 25, even though the budget was passed on-time.

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Capitol Morning Report profiles CA Fwd’s Fred Silva
150 150 Bob Schmidt

California Forward senior fiscal policy advisor Fred Silva has been in and around California state government for nearly 40 years and remains optimistic that state policy makers may yet restore California’s once high standing.

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Video: The Path Forward
150 150 California Forward

To get our state working again, we need to be clear about where we are trying to go and what we need to do to get there. Watch our video, “The Path Forward,” outlining that vision for California’s future, and then tell us your vision for California.

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As budget battle continues, Lawmakers await word on whether they’ll get paid
150 150 John Guenther

The big question now surrounding California’s budget is whether or not lawmakers will receive pay after passing a budget by last week’s deadline and then having that budget vetoed by the governor.

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Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins receives leadership award
150 150 John Guenther

Former CA Fwd leadership council member Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins has been honored with the New Leaders Council (NLC)’s 40 Under 40 Leadership Award.

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Gov. Brown’s veto puts budget back in lawmakers’ court
150 150 Gina Baleria

Governor Brown has vetoed the budget put forth by democrats in the legislature, kicking the can back to lawmakers instead of down the road again.

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As budget deadline arrives, some turn to prayer as last best option
150 150 Victor Abalos

Perhaps faith leaders who gathered at the state capitol had the right idea — a prayer — in response to increasing anxiety about our state budget. The budget deadline comes on the same day as a new Field Poll showing support for both Gov. Brown and his tax extensions slipping.

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Can you say…punt?
150 150 Justin Ewers

The budget package legislative Democrats are voting on today may solve one problem that has plagued the state in recent years: It will allow legislators to say they passed a budget on time. But that’s about all it does.

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PPIC Analysis finds no evidence of gerrymandering so far in redistricting process
150 150 John Guenther

The Public Policy Institute of California has released a fact sheet on the CA Citizens Redistricting Commission’s recently released draft redistricting maps.

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