Blog & News

Civic startup shows real-time performance of city governments
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

In a time of scarce resources and looming bankruptcies, cities are increasingly turning to Big Data to become more efficient. Into this space is where civic startups are putting some Silicon Valley innovation and know-how into making government work better.

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Happy Thanksgiving!
150 150 Christopher Nelson

As Californians, it’s very easy to look at far we need to go for most of the year instead of how far we’ve come. Today, the glass is half-full, if not more so.

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Riverside named top tech city in the country
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

It looks like turning to technology paid off for the City of Riverside, which, for the sixth year in a row, was named a Top Digital City in the U.S. by e.Republic’s Center for Digital Government and Digital Communities.

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Michael Santos: The journey back to society continues
150 150 Michael G. Santos

Rather than focusing on living as a model inmate, more than 15 years ago I started thinking about what I would need to emerge as a law-abiding, contributing citizen.

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California state payroll transparency site reveals interesting city data
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

According to a completely redesigned website showing wage and benefit data for public employees across California, at an average annual salary of over $100,000, Indian Wells city employees have the highest average wages compared to any city in the state.

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Closing skills gap in San Joaquin Valley gets Fed boost
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

While California unemployment dropped in most of state, SJV colleges hope to do better

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