Blog & News

This week in Realignment: June 7, 2013
150 150 Christopher Nelson

This week has seen the fervor over both the CDCR report, Gov. Brown’s May budget revision and Abel Maldonado’s failed bid to turn public safety realignment into an election wedge issue finally taper off.

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Video: Sen. Alex Padilla shares views on civic engagement
150 150 Christopher Nelson

As part of our involvement with the Future of California Elections (FOCE), we attended their event in January and were able to ask State Sen. Alex Padilla (D – Los Angeles) about his views on some vital topics on the FOCE’s agenda

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State Treasurer to retire from politics at the end of his term
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

State Treasurer Bill Lockyer recently announced that at the end of his term he will step down after what will be a 46 year career.

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Latino population growth outpacing Latino voter turnout in California
150 150 María Luisa Arredondo

To find out what is depressing voter turnout statewide and among Latinos in particular, the University of Southern California (USC) and the Los Angeles Times polled 500 registered voters on LA’s recent mayoral primary

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