Blog & News

President Obama pushes for smarter government to boost effectiveness
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Last week President Obama laid out a vision for greater government efficiency directing his Cabinet to build a “smarter, more innovative, and more accountable government for its citizens.”

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Orange County Registrar leading the pack on administering elections
150 150 Catherine Shieh

If you talk to virtually any elections official in the state of California, they say that the Orange County Registrar of Voters is doing it right.

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Keep an eye on California manufacturing
150 150 Ed Coghlan

State’s medical device sector should benefit from new legislation

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California bill requires state to attack skills gap
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Workforce legislation to address unfilled jobs available now

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This week in Realignment: July 12, 2013
150 150 Christopher Nelson

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is set to be a massive boon for California jails dealing with the generally poor health and lack of health insurance among its inmate population

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Los Angeles homeless agencies collaborate to sidestep red tape and deliver results
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Trying to find a flight these days without Expedia just scratches the surface of what it’s like to find a home when you’re homeless. But that is changing.

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