Blog & News

Comparing Regional Economies: There’s an app for that
150 150 Mark Orcutt

In addition, the California Forward Action Fund has been hard at work with Assembly Speaker Pérez’s staff to incorporate a regional focus into the statewide economic development plan ensconced in AB 53.

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Video: State of the Bay Area’s infrastructure
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

What Bay Area & Silicon Valley leaders say about roads and rail

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The ACA is coming: Riverside and San Bernardino start talking about “Obamacare”
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Many do not realize that the new law has a massive criminal justice component to it and that California will be throwing away countless amounts of money and opportunity if counties aren’t prepared.

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Follow the money — if you can
150 150 John Guenther

Accessing campaign finance data requires navigating the state’s archaic and cumbersome online disclosure portal, Cal-ACCESS

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This Week in Realignment: July 26, 2013
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Do you know where a big part of correction spending comes from? Health care. When the state or county imprisons someone they also take on the responsibility of their health care costs. The coming implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may help ease some of the state and county burden in this area.

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California infrastructure — the next California budget challenge?
150 150 John Guenther

Infrastructure could very well be the state’s next big budget challenge. To meet the needs of a growing population, California must invest more than $750 billion in public works over the next ten years.

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