Blog & News

Assembly and Senate bills look to chisel away at digital divide
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

SB740 and AB1299 tackle that digital divide head-on. The two bills each come at the issue from different angles; SB740, sponsored by Senator Padilla, deals with rural broadband infrastructure, while Assemblyman Steven Bradford’s AB1299 is about expanding digital literacy.

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California bills tackle digital divide head-on
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

The two bills each come at the issue from different angles

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A conversation with Terri McDonald, Los Angeles County Assistant Sheriff – Part Three
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Part 3 has her discussing the potential benefits of the upcoming Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation to Los Angeles County’s jail system and what she sees as the future of AB 109.

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California jobs numbers show middle-income doughnut
150 150 John Guenther

Mid-wage jobs see drop in numbers and earnings from recession

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This week in Realignment: September 6, 2013
150 150 Christopher Nelson

The battle between state democrats spills over into this week as the Legislature grapples with the governor’s office on how to best relocate another 8,000 inmates from state correctional facilities.

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AB 109: A rare opportunity for thoughtful criminal justice
150 150 Tom G. Hoffman

Tom Hoffman, a former longtime police officer and Director of Adult Parole Operations in California, weighs in on the complications and potential of AB 109.

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