Blog & News

AB 109 turns two: What’s next?
150 150 Christopher Nelson

As we mark the two year anniversary of Assembly Bill 109’s implementation, realignment is still not an issue that lends itself easily to sound bites.

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Voter registration train begins rolling forward with California’s Health Benefit Exchange
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Although others are expected to follow California’s lead, the Golden State is just one of five that will provide voter registration services to applicants for healthcare coverage.

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How do we pay for upgrades to our water system?
150 150 Stan Hazelroth

We have a serious backlog in funding needed infrastructure projects in California—many of which, the state’s water infrastructure, in particular, are paid for with user fees.

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VIDEO: Political cartoons shine light on the state of California
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Tom Meyer never aspired to be a political cartoonist. In fact, he was working on Capitol Hill for Congressman Charles Wilson. It was during that time he decided to switch gears and Californians are glad he did.

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This week in Realignment: September 27, 2013
150 150 Christopher Nelson

A recent extension granted by the three judge panel provides an extra month to get all parties on board with a solution for the final shift of inmates out of state prisons

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Water bonds, still in early stages, bob toward 2014 ballot
150 150 Justin Ewers

Legislature building a better water bond, out of shadow of Delta Tunnel plan

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SB 3 vital to modernizing California’s campaign finance database
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

With one stroke of a pen, Governor Jerry Brown can help bring California’s campaign finance and lobbying database into the 21st century

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