Blog & News

Governor Brown vetoes economic strategy bill
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Points to current initiatives to help state’s economy

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This week in Realignment: Guest Column by Tom Hoffman
150 150 Tom Hoffman

It is in this time period that budget cuts to rehabilitative programming, service provider contracts and staffing reductions began were felt in all corners of the department.

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Housing in California – Do we have enough?
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Inventory tight and shutdown threatens recovery

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C-ROB Report: How politics has hampered California Corrections
150 150 Tom Hoffman

It is important to understand this report is simply one in a long list of wonderfully crafted reviews, audits and reports submitted to the State and CDCR since 2005 or so.

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Maplight harnesses open data in bid to hold government accountable
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Publishing the data is only one part of the process, that’s why many non-profits and for-profit companies are stepping in to make sure folks are not flooded and bogged down with the data.

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AB 109 turns two: What’s next?
150 150 Sharon Aungst

Let’s begin the third year of AB 109 with a renewed purpose to reduce recidivism, save money, and foster collaboration

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