Blog & News

VIDEO: Moving into middle class by making things
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Advancing manufacturing is a signature initiative of the California Economic Summit

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Words to Deeds brings light to mental health services in justice system
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Words to Deeds’s mission is to “end the criminalization of individuals with mental illness by supporting proven strategies that promote early intervention, access to effective treatments, a planned reentry and the preservation of public safety.”

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Keeping all of California’s regions healthy key to the Summit
150 150 Eloy Oakley

The summit — a collaboration of California Forward and the California Stewardship Network — attracted the geographic, economic and ethnic diversity that defines California.

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VIDEO: Solving California’s growing prosperity gap
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

In many inland areas, unemployment is in the double digits.

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Realignment in Review: The struggle to bring services to AB 109’s probationers
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

The most likely to go to jail are those that have been there before; a closer eye needs to be kept on the recently released to make sure they’re taking advantage of the services offered with AB 109 funding, and there has to be a legal mechanism to ensure that. If that doesn’t happen, California is right back where it started.

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Covered California failing to comply with National Voter Registration Act
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Under the federal law, more commonly known as the “Motor Voter” act, government agencies providing public assistance are required to offer individuals opportunities to register to vote. That means all Californians applying for health coverage through the state exchange should simultaneously be offered the opportunity to register to vote.

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