Blog & News

California school districts worry they may be shorted millions in funding
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Some of California’s biggest school districts, like Los Angeles, San Diego, and Fresno, are worried that they will be shortchanged millions because of the California Department of Education’s decision back in August to require that schools verify family income yearly.

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Week in Realignment: Back to Basics Pt. 2
150 150 Christopher Nelson and Tom Hoffman

This week, we tackle two more topics intertwined with our inaugural one: the differences between prisons and jails and between Sheriffs and Police Chiefs.

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VIDEO: Labor can help solve workforce issues
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Dave Regan talked about being at the Summit

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Term limits to the rescue?
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Council members, in the city of La Mesa, near San Diego, may soon have to readjust to some new rules if a citizens group is successful in putting a term limits initiative on the ballot.

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Survey says parents don’t know what LCFF is, but like the idea
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Only nine percent of Californian parents reported knowing a great deal about the formula, while a whopping 57 percent have never even heard of it.

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