Blog & News

Los Angeles moving closer to free citywide Wi-Fi
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

We sat down with the Councilmember for his take on where things stand now and what needs to happen before citizens of Los Angeles will be able to log-on to the Internet for free.

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AB 109 sheds light on need for sentencing reform in California
150 150 Tom Hoffman

Perhaps the most politically sensitive discussion now boiling just beneath the very controlled surface of public debate is sentencing reform.

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What we’ve all been up to since the 2013 Summit
150 150 Justin Ewers

Highlights from the Summit’s progress so far in 2014

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VIDEO: Pew says California ranks near the bottom in election performance
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

While California was given credit for slashing polling place wait times in half, it was dinged for being one of only two states that don’t provide voters with web-based statewide voting and election information lookup tools

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Californians respond to CA Fwd’s Path Toward Trust
150 150 Christopher Nelson

We received a litany of responses to our Path Toward Trust plan, and the insights represent a true, thoughtful take on what Californians need to restore faith in their government.

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