Blog & News

California ballot initiatives — keep them but fix them
150 150 John Guenther

California Forward, the League of Women of Voters of California and dozens of others civic groups have been meeting over the past year sharing opinions and ideas for changes in the initiative process.

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Water debate leading somewhere unexpected: Optimism
150 150 Justin Ewers

Drought causes conversation on water not happening before

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Rainy Day Fund: Other states’ volatility is California’s lesson to learn
150 150 Courtney M. Fowler

We’re in an upswing now. But we saw what happened last decade when everything was decidedly not hunky dory. Safety net services are the first to go, but the hole that this state had dug itself was so deep that cuts were made seemingly everywhere to get back in the black.

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VIDEO: Leon Panetta’s recipe for good governance is to remember who you work for
150 150 Ed Coghlan

In this first video of a series, Panetta drew on his early days in public service when asked about how state legislators should be serving their constituents. Panetta’s own political life reflects the importance of bi-partisanship in doing the “people’s work,” be it in Sacramento or in Washington D.C.

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California special session called for Rainy Day Fund
150 150 Ed Coghlan

“We simply must prevent the massive deficits of the last decade and we can only do that by paying down our debts and creating a solid Rainy Day Fund,” said Gov. Brown.

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CA Fwd releases report on how to build stronger budget reserve
150 150 Justin Ewers

With the governor’s actions dramatically increasing the likelihood of action this year, CA Fwd’s report offers a primer on why the rainy day fund has become such a pressing issue for state government.

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