Blog & News

How the Rainy Day Fund is impacting education in California
150 150 Christopher Nelson

As the public service that commands the lion’s share of general fund expenditure, perhaps no other area stands to benefit more than K-12 education.

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CA Fwd on bipartisan rainy day fund legislation: “Meaningful” solution for “significant” problem
150 150 Justin Ewers

In testimony before the Senate and Assembly budget committees today, CA Fwd reiterated how important it is to manage spikes to end the cycle of boom-and-bust budgeting that has crippled the state’s fiscal system over the last decade—and caused billions in cuts to state programs.

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How to find out what your elected officials are being paid
150 150 Courtney M. Fowler

With Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg recently moving to revoke pay and benefits for suspended Legislature members, it was worth asking: Just how much are these guys making anyways?

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May Budget Revise: What about the economy?
150 150 Justin Ewers

In the flurry of questions faced by Gov. Jerry Brown as he announced his revised state budget today, one subject was noticeably absent: the economy

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CA Fwd’s statement on the May Budget Revise
150 150 Jim Mayer

Gov. Brown offers a strong proposal backed by sound financial discipline to secure California’s future

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