Blog & News

The Primary Club: Thoughts on California’s startlingly low June voter turnout
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Pundits, data-miners, reporters…everyone wants to know why statewide turnout on Tuesday was less than the number of registered voters in Los Angeles County alone

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Keeping Californians in suspense
150 150 Courtney M. Fowler

One process that the California’s legislators use to approve government bills has a shockingly similar list of attributes to suspense movies: the aptly-named Suspense File.

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Top Two Primary invites independent voters to the party, too
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Independent voters have long been the Plain Jane of the high school that is American politics, but now they’re invited to the party…without having a party

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California legislative staff should be given whistleblower protection
150 150 Phillip Ung

One key sector of California public servants has been proactively left out of these common sense protections for those who report waste, fraud, abuse, bribery, and other violations of public trust

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