Blog & News

Reform success shows California governable and no longer broken
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Thomas McKernan

The effects of elections and budget reform can’t be ignored but there’s also more work to be done to improve government and the economy here.

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Open data takes center stage at Inland Empire forum
150 150 Robb Korinke

California Forward convened the first of its Civic Data Forums this week in San Bernardino, convening staff and elected officials from cities, school districts and counties throughout the Inland Empire to discuss open data, transparency and technology solutions for improving governance in their communities.

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Several bills aim to improve transparency and confidence in CA elections
150 150 Dominic Munoz

Three of the bills (844, 52, and 1442) are specifically aimed at campaign disclosure, while SB 1253 will require that more information shall be given to voters on initiatives

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California’s top-two primary still making news
150 150 Ed Coghlan

The jungle primary has created a number of competitive elections but the low voter turnout needs attention as well.

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